Progress and plans
GBIF France’s missions are to: collect metadata on primary biodiversity data resources; assist connecting data to the GBIF network using GBIF standards, protocols and tools; organize training sessions (data publishing, data quality, use of GBIF-mediated data); inform on GBIF, tools, activities, calls, training material & opportunities; promote and facilitate the use of GBIF-mediated data and tools by biodiversity data users; collaborate with other national and international facilities on biodiversity, and with the GBIF Secretariat; contribute to the development of common tools with the GBIF community. GBIF France also has a mandate to support the Global South—in particular Francophone countries.
The GBIF France node is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieure, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation MESR) and since 2017, also with the financial contribution of the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB). From 2013 to 2016, GBIF France was funded through a French National Research Agency (L'Agence nationale de la recherche, ARN) project called e-ReColNat.
The basic financial contribution to GBIF is made by the Ministries of Research and Ecology: Direction Générale pour la Recherche et l’Innovation (DGRI) of MESR; and by the Direction de l'eau et de la biodiversité (DEB) of Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires (MECTECT.
GBIF France has the mandate to promote GBIF activities and tools at the national level and to represent France in the GBIF community. The node provides information on best practices and standards used by GBIF and helps data publishers to connect data to the GBIF network using the tools developed by GBIF. The node also organizes training events and interacts with all the organizations working on biodiversity at national level. GBIF France also provides support to the Global South, and especially francophone countries to help them to contribute to GBIF.
The GBIF France node was created in June 2006 and hosted by the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. In the beginning the node was just hosted by the MNHN, but, in 2011, GBIF France was officially integrated into the MNHN. During few years, the node was under the Direction des collections of the MNHN and since 2017, under UAR PatriNat (Centre of expertise and data for natural heritage).
The GBIF France node includes two part-time coordinators and four full-time positions (node manager, IT specialists and a data engineer).
The node has a board that meets once a year. It includes representation from Ministries (MESRI Education and Research and MTES Environment) and organisations working on biodiversity at national level.