Many data on biodiversity have been collected throughout the country. However, most of these data are not documented and are only accessible to the person/team involved in the project for which the data have been collected. Moreover, there is a lack of data policy within the institutions of Madagascar. As a consequence, data knowledge is linked to individuals and disappears with them. The only public information that can be found is the information located in herbaria, museums, and various literature. As GBIF brings a solution to these problems by providing an information repository and by spreading data widely, MadBIF aims to promote and support publication of biodiversity data by data holders via GBIF.org.
MadBIF is considered as a part of CNRE activities which means that the Head of Delegation and the node manager are only working part-time in these roles. The CNRE and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research provide in kind contributions.
The basic financial contribution to GBIF is made by Centre National de Recherches sur l’Environnement (CNRE).
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESupRes) designated the Centre National de Recherches sur l’Environnement (CNRE) to host the national GBIF node of Madagascar (MadBIF), and appointed the Director of the CNRE Head of Delegation.
MadBIF’s governance structure was adopted during the 2nd National meeting and is linked to the SEP – CEPDEC project. The node has a Governing Board composed by institutions such as, the CNRE, the MESupRes and ReBioMa.
The node coordinates the development of the network and its activities, and a General Assembly constituted by all the participants implements the network’s activities.