The Argentinian GBIF node’s mission is in line with the objectives of National System of Biological Data (SNDB). It aims to promote the interchange of biodiversity data; increase the accessibility, projection and quality of biodiversity data by using virtual networks; strengthen the use of best practices for conservation and management of biological collections; and offer biodiversity data outreach products and training programs.
The National Scientific and Technical Research Council is responsible for hosting the node. The Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, a unit of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council, provides the infrastructures and the Node’s staff.
The Secretariat of Government of Science,Technology and Productive Innovation supports data publishers through grants, training, IT infrastructures and coordination.
The basic financial contribution to GBIF is made by Secretariat of Government of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and in the past it was made by CONICET - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.
The node was established in 2002 and was then based in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN), an institute of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Invistigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). The National Network of Biological Collections (RNCB, Red Nacional de Colecciones Biológicas) was created following the participation of Argentina in GBIF, and a survey was made of the collections in Argentina.
In 2009, the former Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva) today [Secretariat of Government of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation] (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/ciencia) established the National System of Biological Data(SNDB). SNDB has a national data portal based on a customization of the first GBIF data portal.
The node manager and head of delegation both come from CONICET. SNDB groups together the national providers of GBIF-mediated data and is part of a national initiative for the organization of large instruments and databases, transversal to the scientific system. SNDB is conceived as a distributed network where the data are maintained by institutional providers and published through a national portal. Its goal is to maximize the reuse of available tools and standards, and make use of its own resources to develop new solutions to solve ongoing needs.
The central node of SNDB provides the IT services for the national portal and the executive secretary. The institutional nodes publish primary data using GBIF technology.