By adding descriptive and multimedia data at the species level, providing computer guided identification keys, and using georefencing tools, the information stored in GBIF.org has broad applications. MrBIF aims to use these informatics tools to support conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of Mauritania.
More specifically, MrBIF aims to promote, coordinate and facilitate data sharing and dissemination; undertake surveys of potential biodiversity data publishers and data users; promote publication and use of biodiversity data; formulate and implement policies on biodiversity conservation; train young scientists and decisions makers; and acquire IT materials, stable Internet access and reliable power supply.
The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Nouakchott (ENS) is the sole contributor to MrBIF’s budget.
The basic financial contribution to GBIF is also made by Ecole Normale Supérieure de Nouakchott (ENS).
The Mauritanian Biodiversity Information Facility (MrBIF) received a mandate to represent Mauritania by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. It is hosted by Ecole Normale Supérieure de Nouakchott (ENS).
MrBIF is composed by a Head of Delegation, a Node Manager, additional delegates and a Board Committee. Mauritania’s national network includes National Park Banc d’Arguin, National Park Diawling, University of Nouakchott, and the National Institute of Oceanography.