Programmes and projects

Focused on capacity building for biodiversity data mobilization and use, cooperation and knowledge sharing.


ما هو المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي "جبيف"

ما هو المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي "جبيف"ما هو المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي "جبيف"ما هو المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي "جبيف"

CESP: Capacity Enhancement Support Programme

This programme aims to address specific capacity needs identified by GBIF Participants, facilitating collaboration at regional and global levels by providing co-funding for projects focused on mentoring activities, regional training workshops and documentation.