The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.
Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.
"basisOfRecord": "HumanObservation",
"captive": "wild",
"catalogNumber": "4978476",
"class": "Insecta",
"collectionCode": "Observations",
"coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
"countryCode": "MX",
"datasetName": "iNaturalist research-grade observations",
"dateIdentified": "2017-01-20T17:32:41Z",
"decimalLatitude": "25.6759700775",
"decimalLongitude": "-100.2783584595",
"eventDate": "2017-01-05T15:21:09+06:00",
"eventTime": "09:21:09Z",
"extensions": {
"gbif:Multimedia": [
"catalogNumber": "6077243",
"created": "2017-01-05T09:21:09Z",
"creator": "Carlos G Velazco-Maias",
"format": "image/jpeg",
"identifier": "",
"license": "",
"publisher": "iNaturalist",
"references": "",
"rightsHolder": "Carlos G Velazco-Maias",
"type": "StillImage"
"family": "Apidae",
"genus": "Xylocopa",
"geodeticDatum": "EPSG:4326",
"id": "4978476",
"identificationID": "10057760",
"identificationRemarks": null,
"identifiedBy": "Carlos G Velazco-Macias",
"identifiedByID": "",
"informationWithheld": null,
"institutionCode": "iNaturalist",
"kingdom": "Animalia",
"license": "",
"lifeStage": null,
"modified": "2022-02-03T23:56:35Z",
"nick": "aztekium_tutor",
"occurrenceID": "",
"occurrenceRemarks": null,
"order": "Hymenoptera",
"phylum": "Arthropoda",
"recordedBy": "Carlos G Velazco-Macias",
"recordedByID": "",
"references": "",
"reproductiveCondition": null,
"rightsHolder": "Carlos G Velazco-Macias",
"scientificName": "Xylocopa mexicanorum",
"sex": null,
"stateProvince": "Nuevo León",
"taxonID": "311198",
"taxonRank": "species",
"verbatimEventDate": "2017-01-05 3:21:09 p.m. GMT-06:00",
"verbatimLocality": "Avenida Constitución Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L."