Capacity Enhancement Support Programme

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Eija-Leena Laiho of Finland and Carole Sinou of Canadensys (foreground) share ideas during Day 2 of the 2019 GBIF Global Nodes Meeting. Photo 2019 Mélianie Raymond | GBIF Secretariat, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

This programme aims to address specific capacity needs identified by GBIF Participants by facilitating collaboration at regional and global levels.

The annual calls for proposals under this programme provide co-funding to GBIF Participants for capacity enhancement projects based on combinations of the following types of action:

  1. Mentoring activities: Interactions among two or more Participants where the core objective is the transfer of information, technology, experience and best practices in small groups.

  2. Support for regional events and training workshops: Courses and workshops with a regional (multi-national) component to enhance the capacity of individuals or networks to contribute to and benefit from GBIF.

  3. Documentation: Production of key learning and promotional resources or their adaptation to the national or regional context (e.g. by translation or including local/regional perspectives). The GBIF Secretariat advocates digital-first documentation to provide technical guidance and support training and skills development across GBIF’s communities of practice. The key features of this system include standardized documentation, routine updates, versioning, translations, community input, peer review, and searchable format.

These types of action are part of the suite of capacity enhancement activities provided by GBIF, to enable effective mobilization and use of biodiversity information.